Monday, May 09, 2005

A Song or a Poem?

Hello dear readers,
I am thinking of changing my blog plans and I wanted to take your opinion about it. Currently I have a copy and paste post which is the song of the week post but I kinda got bored of that. So do you think replacing the song with a poem of the week is a good idea? Of course the poem that will be posted is written by some famous poet and not my own work. Or I post a song this week and the week next will be a poem then a song then a poem? Or I cancel the whole weekly post? Or even the whole blog? It is up to you my dear readers. I am applying real democracy here ;)

Have a nice day!


Namika said...

hmmm I say delete the whole blog :p lol just kidding..

Well you can make it one week poem and ther other week song.. and so on...

Just do what make you like and what would make you happy :)

Hopeless Poet said...

Ok I will delete the whole blog :(
Yeah it seems that I will do one week for a song and one week for a poem.

Well I have to satisfy the public before myself ;)

ClOuDs said...

I'm with namika one week for a song and one for a poem

but do not delete the whole blog plz :P

True Faith said...

With Namika and Clouds :)

True Faith said...

Are you still feeling lonley? :p

Hopeless Poet said...

Ok I am not gonna delete ut just for you :P

True Faith:
Yeah I am! You have any solution for my loneliness? But don't tell me get married :P

True Faith said...

No, Don't get married;you are still young.

Read "The Alchemist" :) It's agreat book

Hopeless Poet said...

True Faith:
I am not that young and all my friends are married and they are on my back wanting me to get married too :P

I am not a big fan of reading unless it is a mystery book like Agatha Christie's works or DaVinci Code :D

True Faith said...


I will write a review about it on my blog tomorrow.

Hopeless Poet said...

True Faith,
Ok, I will read it and see though I think my younger brother already has it since he is a book worm!

iamnasra said...

I think you should not delete what you allready have made..make addtional to it...this give you more variety in your blog how is that...for an answer of course .. variety to reading...

I know Im slow in keeping up but I try my best to read your blog as i loooooooooooove your poetry