Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Water Stream

Here is my latest poem and I am glad that I have finished it before I travel back home :D

The Water Stream

In the heart of a garden runs a water stream
It gently flows until it reaches the sea

The flowers and the trees are dancing just like a dream
And all the birds are singing in a glee
A garden full of wonder and grace
But nothing compares to the beauty of your face

Must I get lost in this wonderful scene
Must I not wake up if it was just a dream
Shall I confess to the garden's queen?
Or just whisper my love to the water stream
And one day, as you pass, my whispers you will hear
And you will see by your eyes, reflection of my love so clear

Do my eyes cheat me? I think I see you standing there
Waiting under the shade of a far away tree
Rays of the sun are flowing through your hair
And the look in your eyes, sending a clear message to me
That you have been waiting for this moment all along
To stand not far away from the one to whom you belong


Peach said...

Gee Canada must be doing good things to u ;)

Namika said...

you should be going to Canada more often HP ;) I really liked what you wrote.. keep it up...

Lucky garden queen ;)

Mother Courage said...

"Or just whisper my love to the water stream
And one day, as you pass, my whispers you will hear"

"And the look in your eyes, sending a clear message to me
That you have been waiting for this moment all along
To stand not far away from the one to whom you belong"

wow ! i loved it ... please keep writing.

iamnasra said...

Magical HP

I was waiting for the pom to come
and Her you are have swept me away with your words....

Faith said...

I love it!
I liked the way you started this poem.. At first describing the beautiful garden and at the last line of the first stanza you mention the beautiful face of the one you love..
Keep it up :)

Hopeless Poet said...

Ok I am replying to your comments from Vancouver Airport! Thank God for the free wireless network :D

Yeah this is Canada and what it can do to a poet ;)

Yeah I am planning to bring Canada geographically closer to us since the trip is very long :P
Thanks :D
And yeah she is lucky :P

Mother Courage:
Thanks for the nice comment and I will keep writing for sure ;)

Thanks and maybe next time it will be a salty poem :P

And it is good for health and has few calories too ;)

Thanks and I am glad I didn't disappoint you :D

Well how can you not recognize her beauty! Even if she was in the middle of a heavenly garden ;)
Thanks for the nice comment and waiting for an update from you :D

MissCosmoKuwait said...

That was beauiful...I loved it!...Keep those poems coming and tawsal be al salama inshallah!...

Spontaneousnessity said...

Must I not wake up if it was just a dream

Anonymous said...

ماشاء الله عليك

Bare Feet said...

Wow.. very nice poem..
i'm waiting for canada to have that effect on me.. :S

Hopeless Poet said...

Thanks and already wa9alat wo allah ysalmich :D

Why not? And bitter 'n sweet too :P

I don't know that song! And thanks and good to see you here again :)

You still have the flu it seems! So continue sleeping :p

Thanks and what happened to you blog? I see the end only??

Bare Feet:
Thanks and Canada had the effect on you but you need to realize it :P

Samyah said...

That's so romantic *sigh*

Hopeless Poet said...

Yeah it is! I have sighed many times while reading it :P
Thanks for commenting :)

iamnasra said...

Have you reached home yet..if you did حمد الله على السلامة

Hopeless Poet said...

Yeah I have arrived home and allah ysalmich :D

Oh glad that you finally made your blog ;)
Waiting for the posts :D

Peach said...

welcome bk kid ;)
Yalla new post new post!

Hopeless Poet said...

Which kid? Are you sure you are in the right blog? :P
And there is a new post ;)